Grant information
IEPB Grant Recipients
The Illinois Equine Industry Research and Promotion Board is pleased to announce that the latest round of competitive grants have been awarded. The Board reviewed and evaluated a number of grant proposals and reached consensus on the following projects:
Southern Illinois University - research for the evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of curcuma in arthritic horses
University of Illinois - research in-vivo biomechanical evaluation of the laryngeal tie-forward in horses
Illinois Boots and Saddle Club - for facility improvements
Illinois Farm Bureau - Equine Education in the Classroom project
Central Illinois Riding Therapy - new automatic horse waterers at the therapy facility
Gallatin County Fair - a project to provide additional county fair arena lighting
Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center - a project for facility improvements
New Kingdom Riders - a project for an outdoor riding arena
Quincy Saddle Club - Siloam Spring State Park Equestrian Campground hitching rails
TETHER - Technical Large Animal Rescue equipment start-up
Tony Troyer in partnership with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Mattiessen State Park Equestrian Trails project
Refuge Ranch - partial funding for the Quest Program
Salem Ranch - outdoor arena fencing and south pasture fencing
Adams County Fairgrounds - improvements to horse barn
IEPB Grant Requests
Potential grant recipients are encouraged to network and develop a grant for their local area that will benefit all equine enthusiasts. Proposals are due every year on November 15th and awarded during the Illinois Horse Fair in March of each year.