Grant Seekers

Helpful Hints for Grant Seekers

Consider the Reader: be sure to provide the reader with all necessary information, even if you have applied to the Fund before, or are applying for a renewal grant. Grant reviewers change. Don’t assume the reviewer has background knowledge of your organization.

Avoid Acronyms: avoid using acronyms that are not explained.

Be Clear: summarize the proposed project so that a layperson can understand.

Spell Check: proposals with errors make reviewers question your ability to carry out a proposed project. Be sure that your application has been reviewed for potential mistakes.


  • Ensure budget is consistent with the project description (for example, if you say you are going to buy 10 widgets in the narrative, then the budget should show purchase of 10 widgets).

  • Make sure the budget balances.

  • Include estimates.

Follow Guidelines: by not following guidelines, reviewers question your ability to successfully carry out your proposal.

Helpful Documents: